Gemstone has fellowships for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) researchers to the WORLD CONGRESS ON OSTEOPOROSIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES -WCO-IOF-ESCEO April 2-5, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.
The 20th Edition of the WCO-IOF-ESCEO Congress will take place in Barcelona from April 2 to April 5, 2020, bringing together the world’s best in the field of musculoskeletal health and disease.
This congress will move the field one step forward on all fronts; from a new understanding of bone metabolism and pathology to new strategies and options in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Gemstone is promoting submission from early-career investigators from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) country members:
Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.
Deadline for abstract submission: February 13, 2020
Send your submission directly to Gemstone by email