WG1 – Study Populations and Expertise Groups

The objective of this Working Group is to create, maintain an update the studies and group of experts conforming the network.
The European research groups will be central to these organizations but will also reach to an international setting in the Americas and Australasian regions, procuring to maximize the enrichment of the network. Also, the conditions and phenotypes that will be studied will not be confined to specific populations groups. On the contrary, the multidisciplinary network will hold expertise within a broad outreach to the target populations including aspects of age (where both children and adults will be study, the former more in the context of health aspects); sex distribution (where conditions in men and women will be weighted equally) and ethnic or social aspects (reaching out to studies performed not only in European populations.
The WG will focus on collecting information on the expertise of the distinct research groups active on musculoskeletal research in Europe and abroad. Such inventory will allow pinpointing focus groups defined by phenotype, functional and methodological expertise. The information collected by the inventory assembled by WG1 will be the backbone for allocating the appropriate emphasis and resources to follow-up studies and knowledge exchange, procuring to recruit and couple the different levels of expertise existing in the network.
D1. GEMSTONE Ecosystem Report
Network map, inventory, balance assessment, capacity and resources; Stakeholder Analysis Report; and Target Populations Analysis Report (website, documents).
Survey 1, Survey 2 (in colab. with WG4)