Author: Inês Alves

Virtual Networking Tools (VNT)are tools that COST has made available to facilitate virtual networking in order to: support individual mobility strengthen existing networks fostering collaboration between COST Action participants There...
If you are interested in attending the meeting, please send an email to All GEMSTONE members will receive an invitation through eCOST. Download program here
Barbara Voraberger is a Ph.D. student in the research group of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Högler at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. The laboratory focus is on understanding the...
A position as postdoc is vacant at the laboratory of associate professor Kent Søe, Clinical Cell Biology, Pathology Research Unit, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark....
The 2nd Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) call for the GEMSTONE Action is now open. STSMs are exchange visits aimed at: >Supporting individual mobility >Strengthening existing networks >Fostering collaboration between COST...
GEMSTONE is happy to announce the seven grantee winners of an STSM grant in the first year of our COST action 18139. We are very happy to see the interest...
Gemstone has fellowships for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) researchers to the WORLD CONGRESS ON OSTEOPOROSIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES -WCO-IOF-ESCEO April 2-5, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. The 20th Edition of the...